29 June 2010

Nick Vujicic

Nick Vujicic
was born 4 December 1982 in Melbourne, Australia, to a devout Serbian Orthodox family. He lacks both arms and legs, and has two small feet, one of which has two toes. Victoria state law forbade him from attending a mainstream school because of his physical disability. But he overcame this and then was bullied. He grew extremely depressed, and by the age of 8, started contemplating suicide. After begging God to grow arms and legs, Nick eventually began to realize that his accomplishments were inspirational to many, and began to thank God for being alive.
Now Nick is a preacher, a motivational speaker and the director of Life Without Limbs, an organization for the physically disabled. He regularly gives speeches on disability and hope. He holds a degree with a double major in Accounting and Financial Planning. He has spoken to over two million people so far, in twelve countries on four continents.

这是是关于一个没有肢体但是活得很喜乐的一个男人的故事。。曾经他向上帝祈求,想要有像常人的肢体,但是后来他领悟到这是上帝给他的使命。。所以开始学会感恩和活出上帝的旨意。 如今他已经是个著名的传道人,站在台上述说神的大能。在神的眼里,我们都是珍贵的!

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